Saturday, 5 January 2019

Launching Goal Trackers - Ekdali

It is that time of the year again, where many of us feel guilty that we are doing enough in life. Fitness,  Self- Development, Contribution to Family, Volunteering work, Travel etc usually top most of our yet another resolution list for the upcoming year.

There is an age old but very simple and effective way of handling resolutions. Resolutions are pretty much like the goals of the corporate world. Goals work if they are smart.  SMART is an acronym for the following

For example in the space of Self- Development, an example of a smart goal would be

I will complete the PMP certification by the end of March. It is a very specific goal on self development. It is relevant for a Project management role. It is measurable because you get a certificate at the end of it. It is attainable because your peers have attained it.  It is also time bound.

When working with goals, many experts have found that after creating SMART goals, it is a great idea to track your progress.  Visual reinforces help in the goal attainment process too.

Combining the above two, we will be coming out with trackers that you can stick on the walls of your home or putting up in the office cubicle. There are four different ones to choose from, depending on how you want to track your Goals.

We recommend that you put it in a place, where not just you but your friends and family will see it too.  If you are like most people, there is an added pressure/ incentive to stay on track.

In addition to the trackers, we also have a surprise minimalist poster launch, which is in line with the idea of achieving goals, staying the course and focusing! We encourage you to go ahead and pick up the tracker and this poster, flaunt it and  yes attain those Goals and transform your life!

You can pick the one that suits you here